Monday, April 29, 2013

Rainy Days

So what do you do when its a lazy Saturday afternoon and its 27°C, rainy and cold outside...

Traditionally in Oman, I would curl up in a chair and bury myself in a book. But, with the sudden change in climate here over the past week, I spent hours together watching the rain through my window.

Don't you just love the rains! How it makes everything seem so much more cleaner! How the grass and trees seem so much more greener! I love how the rain envelopes everything and the smell of the soil (*sigh*)!

Monsoons! That's what I miss the most about Goa! I miss walking in the pouring rain(in a rain coat) or just standing in the Balcony taking in the view and watching the approaching rain clouds!

What a view! I miss it!

Anyways, moving on - So cooped up at home, pouring rain and a new mini doughnut pan! What does one do??!!

Well, bake some doughnuts to accompany your hot coffee (I just need an excuse)!

Doughnuts are usually deep-fried. But since I'm all about health (You think?!), I looked for recipes for baked doughnuts! My search brought me to! What caught my attention was that Kistianne, the writer behind My San Francisco Kitchen said that each mini chocolate doughnut is just 60 Calories! "Wohoo!" Said the tiny calorie conscious part of me! So I decided to give it a go!

All the ingredients in the bowl...

My prepared brand new pan filled with the batter and ready for the oven!

And about 10 minutes later.....

Hello, there doughnut!

As Chandler Bing says, Round food for every mood!

So Simple and easy to follow - and the added benefit of each doughnut being just 60 calories - makes this recipe a must-try!

Baked Mini Chocolate Donuts

3/4 cup all-purpose flour
1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1/3 cup granulated sugar
1 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
2 tbsp plain yogurt
1/4 cup milk
1 egg
3 tbsp vegetable oil
1/4 tsp vanilla extract

Preheat oven to 375F.
Whisk dry ingredients together in a mixing bowl.
Add all remaining ingredients and stir well, until smooth.
Prepare mini doughnut pan and fill 3/4 full with batter.
Bake for 10 minutes (varies from oven to oven), until donuts spring back when touched lightly with your finger.
Let the doughnuts cool before adding any glaze.

The chocolate in this is very subtle and the doughnut would taste amazing with a chocolate glaze.(as Kistianne's recipe)

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Valentines Day 2013

"Love is in the air
Everywhere I look around
Love is in the air
Every sight and every sound"

Valentines Day - Day of Love! 

Every year we spend Valentines Day with our family! Yes, it isn't only for lovers! And Dad always buys his three ladies roses or chocolates! This year wasn't any different - Chocolate in the shape of lips! So cute!

I had these huge elaborate plans for baking valentines day goodies for my family. Unfortunately time wasn't on my side! So I decided to go simple and bake a Flourless Chocolate Cake!

I found the recipe at! It looked so good that I had to try it out. I made it once before during dance practice. Oh yes, the dance practices that brought some wonderful people into my life!

(From left to right: Ryan, Christopher, Nixon, Aleron, Me, Gayle, Craigan, Clayton, Melisa)

How did I spend my Valentines Day? Well, I spent it with them! And it was truly fun! What else would you expect from a group of crazy, goofy and sweet people!

Well, getting back to the baking - Flourless Chocolate Cake! Initially, I was a little apprehensive. But it turned out really great! And my parents loved it!

I drizzled some white and dark chocolate on the cake as well! The original recipe calls for the cake to be served with Almond Flavored Whipped Cream. I did try it on another occasion but instead of Almond used Raspberry! (Whipped cream is not my friend as you can see!)

This cake is extremely easy to make and has a nice moist fudgy texture! It is Gluten free and very rich! One should definitely try it out!

Flourless Chocolate Cake with Raspberry Whipped Cream

4 oz. bittersweet chocolate
1/2 cup butter
3/4 cup granulated sugar
3 eggs
1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
teaspoon vanilla
pinch of salt

For the Cream-
1 cup heavy Whipping Cream
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
1/2 teaspoon raspberry extract
3 tablespoons powdered sugar

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
Spray a 8-inch cake pan with non-stick cooking spray or butter the pan and set aside. Feel free to line the bottom with parchment paper as extra insurance to get the cake out.
Melt butter and chocolate together slowly in the microwave, stirring every 20 seconds until completely melted and smooth.
Stir in sugar, eggs (one at a time) and vanilla.
Sift cocoa into batter and stir in gently with salt.
Pour into prepared pan and bake for 20-25 minutes or until set.
Cool completely before topping with cream. OR serve warm without cream

To make cream - whip heavy whipping cream with vanilla, raspberry extract and powdered sugar until stiff.
Spread over cake and serve.

I used Galaxy Dark Chocolate and Hersey's Cocoa Powder

Gayle's Birthday - September 10, 2012

Christina Rossetti said:
"For there is no friend like a sister
In calm or stormy weather;
To cheer one on the tedious way,
To fetch one if one goes astray,
To lift one if one trotters down,
To strengthen whilst one stands"

And she rightly put it! I needn't say more!

My sister Gayle Veronica Araujo, born 10 September 1985, my parents first born! Architect by profession, the most creative person I know! She does it all and she does it well - Dancing, Singing, Academics, Athletics etc...

So, for her birthday I decided to bake from scratch some chocolate cupcakes. While scouting for receipes, I came across this site Ming (since I don't really know her name) put together recipes of some of her favorite cupcake recipes, and while combing through this I found CUPCAKE 5 - Sis's Chocolate Cupcakes with Chocolate Frosting! The name was apt to the situation! I looked over the recipe and decided to give it a try.

And Voila!

Just look at them! So beautiful! And they turned out very moist too!

Happy Birthday Gayle!

This is my go-to Chocolate Cupcake recipe and it never fails me!

Sis's Chocolate Cupcakes with Chocolate Frosting
Makes 12 Cupcakes

1/2 tsp baking soda
1/4 cup buttermilk 
3 heaping Tbsp cocoa
1 stick butter
1/2 cup water
1 cup sugar
1 cup flour
1/4 tsp salt
1 egg
1/2 tsp vanilla

In a small bowl, dissolve baking soda in room-temperature buttermilk.  In a saucepan, melt butter and cocoa together at a low temperature.  When smooth, add water.  In a separate bowl, sift together sugar, flour, and salt.  Add cocoa mixture and egg and mix at low speed.  Add buttermilk mixture and vanilla and beat until smooth.  Bake at 350F for 20 minutes or until inserted toothpick comes out clean

1 stick butter
5 heaping Tbsp cocoa
1 lb confectioner’s sugar
1 tsp vanilla
1/4 cup milk

In a saucepan, melt butter at low temperature.  In a separate bowl, mix together cocoa and sugar.  Add melted butter, vanilla, and milk and beat at low speed until mixed.  Frost cupcakes generously. 

  1. I couldn't find Buttermilk so I used Laban instead and it turns out perfect.
  2. The recipe says bake 350F for 20 minutes but this depends from oven to oven. So you would need to set the temperature as per your oven. 

2012 - Epiphany

2012 - What a year!
It was one of those years, you know too much happening! You lose control in the midst of the chaos which your life is.
To summarize it -You love, You hurt, You learn, You live!
Moving on, I was pretty low and down for most of the year - situation... situation - tsk tsk!
But then I saw him! Oh Boy! (*Now Tradition, forces me to break out into song*)

"There he was just sitting on the aisle
singin' do-wah diddy-diddy down diddy-do
 Shiny and pretty and lookin brand new
singin' do-wah diddy-diddy down diddy-do

He looked good, LOOKED GOOD
He looked fine, LOOKED FINE
He looked good, He looked fine
and I nearly lost my mind
Before I knew it he was sittin in my kitchen...." knight in shiny amour! My Oven!
He saved me! He truly did! I couldn't love no other the way I love him! He helped me through the year and helped me regain my self-confidence!

Anyways, I'm going to skip the dramatic details and move on to the tasty part!
Oh the things I could do with him...hmmm!
So what did I do with him?!
See! I say see below! Look at the glorious-yummilicious-gorgeous baked goodies!

German chocolate cake, brownies, cupcakes ....(*sigh*)!

But in all honesty, It wouldn't be fair for me to say that the year was really bad! It had its good moments:

My Bestie Cousin Ivon got married! Wohoo!
Jacq welcome to the family!
Oh and surprise! surprise!
Baby Isabella!
Honey Bunny! Beautiful Girl!...
Our bundle of joy! The Center of my parents attention!
Our baby doll! Dollie! Sweety!
Look at those gorgeous eyes! So pretty! The innocence!

My Bestie Anupama from school got married in Pondicherry and I was the designated "fun" bridesmaid! Traveled to Bangalore for the wedding. To be honest, the traffic killed it for me. But all in all a good trip!

I also got to meet Roshni after eight years. And the three of us were together after ages. Some very interesting conversations, I must say.
Also, we had a mini school reunion and as a result of that I now have my ladies advisory committee i.e Ammu (Check out her blog:, Runika, Anusha, Anupama and Aziya!

(Left to Right: Dhaniya, Ammu, Anusha, Me, Anupama, Shekainah, Runika)

To end the year, I vacationed in Goa and had the best time ever. Met my BIL (Hua-quim), My favorite Saunders Siblings, My Foof (aka Ashlin), My Dimpled Boy (aka Aniket), Sneha, Prabhu...oh the wonderful food, the air, the late night bike rides, Sunburn, the dances! Perfect! Took a short trip to Pune to meet my Eliza and Simona, had the best time apartment searching and chilling at Nyati Meadows!

All in all the year did turn out pretty great! Learnt a lot! Cheers to 2012!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

To Bake or not To Bake..

Neha and me have known each other since we were kids. Then puberty hit us and you know the usual, different interest, different classes etc. and we drifted apart. So when I met her again in 2009, little did I know that she would be an inspiration to me and well yes, a good friend too.
Before I say more, you should check out her page on Facebook!
You will know why I consider her as inspiration. Her baked goodies look so scrumptious and yummy! (*Could eat up the screen*)
Anyways, Taking inspiration and that a little hard work and passion could do wonders, I decided to give baking a try.
Up until then, I had only experienced a series of failures in the form of sunken cakes and half cooked cookies, and my only crowning glory was Lasagna (*drool*) - cheesy, meaty, saucy lasagna! (Look, Look Below!)
So I told myself, I will bake! And trust me, I had my own hurdles from a gas oven with a lower burner that doesn't come on to pure laziness (which my dad would be glad to lecture me on).
But then opportunity came to me on my dearest mama's birthday (One very hot day in July 2012), when we decided to get her a good (fully functional burners) oven! Yes, it was my idea! Yes, I had vested interest!
So Wohoo! Oven in the house!
But still apprehension of prior experience, was holding me bake or not to bake!
Finally, I decided that I will but start of with something easy!
So Say hello, Ms. Betty Crocker!
Super Moist Dark Chocolate Cake Mix - Ah! Bliss! So Soft and So Moist and So Easy!
Yes, an honest baker would not use a ready mix but I think I can be excused.
So in went the mix, some oil, some water and eggs! and Voila! Pâte à gateau!
With Crossed fingers, I put it in the oven and waited patiently, pacing around like a new father waiting on news of his baby.
And then ~ 25 mins later, Gâteau au Chocolat! So soft and so moist! My happiness and faith had been restored!
And Nope, its not a giant doughnut! It is a cake...a moist lovely cake with a hole in the middle! Oh the satisfaction of a perfectly baked cake (*sigh*)!
Well from there on, there was no turning back!
Hence, began the The Great "Bakescapades" of Griselda!