Tuesday, April 9, 2013

To Bake or not To Bake..

Neha and me have known each other since we were kids. Then puberty hit us and you know the usual, different interest, different classes etc. and we drifted apart. So when I met her again in 2009, little did I know that she would be an inspiration to me and well yes, a good friend too.
Before I say more, you should check out her page on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/thecupcakefairy.oman?fref=ts!
You will know why I consider her as inspiration. Her baked goodies look so scrumptious and yummy! (*Could eat up the screen*)
Anyways, Taking inspiration and that a little hard work and passion could do wonders, I decided to give baking a try.
Up until then, I had only experienced a series of failures in the form of sunken cakes and half cooked cookies, and my only crowning glory was Lasagna (*drool*) - cheesy, meaty, saucy lasagna! (Look, Look Below!)
So I told myself, I will bake! And trust me, I had my own hurdles from a gas oven with a lower burner that doesn't come on to pure laziness (which my dad would be glad to lecture me on).
But then opportunity came to me on my dearest mama's birthday (One very hot day in July 2012), when we decided to get her a good (fully functional burners) oven! Yes, it was my idea! Yes, I had vested interest!
So Wohoo! Oven in the house!
But still apprehension of prior experience, was holding me back...to bake or not to bake!
Finally, I decided that I will but start of with something easy!
So Say hello, Ms. Betty Crocker!
Super Moist Dark Chocolate Cake Mix - Ah! Bliss! So Soft and So Moist and So Easy!
Yes, an honest baker would not use a ready mix but I think I can be excused.
So in went the mix, some oil, some water and eggs! and Voila! Pâte à gateau!
With Crossed fingers, I put it in the oven and waited patiently, pacing around like a new father waiting on news of his baby.
And then ~ 25 mins later, Gâteau au Chocolat! So soft and so moist! My happiness and faith had been restored!
And Nope, its not a giant doughnut! It is a cake...a moist lovely cake with a hole in the middle! Oh the satisfaction of a perfectly baked cake (*sigh*)!
Well from there on, there was no turning back!
Hence, began the The Great "Bakescapades" of Griselda!

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